Course - Learning for Living (Severe Learning Disabilities)

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Comments about Course - Learning for Living (Severe Learning Disabilities) - At the institution - Westminster - Greater London

  • Entry requirements
    The course is for students aged 16-23 who have severe learning disabilities. Some students may have attended the College Link course during their last year at school. There are no formal entry requirements, however students must have the potential to become independent. Students must be able to cross roads independently and want to become independent travellers. Applicants should also show an interest in catering. All Students must attend an individually negotiated initial assessment/taster programme, before a college place will be offered.
  • Course description
    What does it include?
    The course programme includes:
    - Induction
    - Tutoring programme including Personal Development and relationships
    - Communication Skills
    - Numeracy and Literacy
    - Travel and Community Awareness
    - Cooking (including snack cookery)
    - Media and Drama
    - Physical Education including Self Care
    - IT
    - Some students work towards OCR National Skills Profile

    During the course, student performance and progress is monitored through Personal Learning Plans and Profiles, culminating in the presentation of a National Record of Achievement.

    Where does it lead?

    Attending college helps young people move towards adult status.  We hope that students will learn new skills and develop self-confidence and personal awareness through the timetabled curriculum and by having the opportunity to mix with and be part of a very diverse college community.

    Students will record their personal achievements in an Individual Achievement Portfolio. Some students will work towards units of an OCR National Skills Profile.

Other programs related to special education

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