Accountancy And Finance Course MPhil-MBA-PhD

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Accountancy And Finance Course MPhil-MBA-PhD

  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements The Accountancy and Finance PhD programme is a well-established and successful programme and we actively recruit an international body of research students to stimulate peer discussion benefiting from diverse cultural perspectives and backgrounds. There is no requirement that students research particular areas, although to ensure supervision of a high standard it is preferred that proposals be in areas of interest to intended supervisors. Current PhD supervision includes studies on various national accounting disclosure regulations, the performance of managed funds and the evolution of financial markets in developing countries. We also take part in numerous national networks to support the research of postgraduate students, providing a forum to present work at a national level at an early stage in their development and to gain from the experience of others.
  • Academic title Accountancy And Finance Course MPhil/MBA/PhD
  • Course description Duration

    Course Duration


    The Department of Accountancy and Finance is the home of a dynamic group of researchers with a range of specialisations, benefiting from synergies with other departments of the School of Management and Languages. Staff currently hold positions as visiting faculty members in several transition countries, and have recently held posts in universities in Australasia and the United States as well as gaining further experience as practitioners in the private sector. Faculty members are also closely associated with international networks for the dissemination of new developments in their fields of research, both to academic and non-academic audiences.

    In accountancy the major research themes of the department are in comparative international accountancy, the history of the accounting profession and the evolution of regulatory frameworks in transition and other developing countries. In finance research is being carried out in fields of corporate finance such as the cost of capital and governance mechanisms, and also in the structural modelling of financial assets and markets. Members of staff have recently presented and given keynote addresses at international conferences in these areas and continue to be at the forefront of research.

    These research efforts are supported by the Edinburgh Centre for European Financial Studies (EDEFIS), a research centre and funding body to which all members of the department, both staff and postgraduate, are affiliated. Research proposals are considered and awards made on an annual basis to facilitate small-scale research projects in the fields of European accountancy and finance. Furthermore the library has a good collection of current books and journals and we maintain access to leading financial information services such as Datastream
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