BA (Hons) Interactive Media Design

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BA (Hons) Interactive Media Design

  • Course description This course centres on the creative use of digital media to produce multimedia content. Multimedia Design is about making interactive media such as: 

    Websites, interactive guides to places and products, online art and advertisements, new forms of comics and films, online social sites, casual games, visionary design at the cutting edge of multimedia communications.

    You may be involved in designing and making interactive content for mobile phones and portable media players, on desktop and laptop computer screens, with the experience and needs of the user in mind. Multimedia design is about the pleasures of using computers to work, play, entertain and to communicate ideas and information. Using interactive digital technologies, Multimedia Design finds new ways of telling stories and new forms for expressing ideas in a networked world.

    Multimedia Design develops your knowledge and skills about creative media in the modern world and enables you to build a challenging and exciting career in a variety of fields such as web and multimedia development, mobile multimedia applications design, e-Commerce and website development.

    *Subject to validation September 2010

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