Interior Architecture - HNC - Course

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Interior Architecture - HNC - Course

  • Entry requirements What background and qualifications do you need to join? Students need to bring to interview evidence of any previous qualifications; preferably a level 3 qualification in Art & Design or equivalent, a relevant portfolio of work which will include sketchbooks and samples of art and design work. In addition students will be assessed for their level of spoken and written English and basic Maths skills. This is to ascertain if additional support is required and at which level. If you feel you do not have sufficient recent work but are interested in the course, send in your application anyway. We may be able to advise a preparatory programme or find for you a suitable alternative.
  • Academic title Interior Architecture - HNC
  • Course description Course Description

    This Higher Education course is designed to expand students’ creative, analytical and technical skills and to prepare them for employment or self-employment in the profession of Interior Design.

    What does the course lead to?

    On successful completion you will gain a BTEC Higher National Certificate in 3D Design (Interior Architecture) which will support your entry to employment, self-employment or University (successful students normally progress to the second year of an undergraduate degree course).

    What does the course involve?

    The programme seeks to provide a suitable context for personal development and a comprehensive training that will enable students to:

    * Define, analyse and develop problem-solving techniques
    * Promote visual awareness and 3d thinking
    * Develop an appreciation and understanding of how spaces are inhabited and the effects of form, structure, colour and light
    * Explore the connections between architecture and interior design
    * Work alongside practising designers

    Subjects studied include:
    * Developmental drawing
    * The Creative Process
    * Digital Imaging
    * Vector works
    * Historical and Contextual Studies
    * Critical study
    * 3D Materials, technology and processes
    * Design construction details
    * Applied Professional Practice
    * Materials, finishes and products

    The course equips students to meet the increasing demand for well trained designers with strong design flair and sound technical and managerial knowledge. There is the opportunity to gain a genuine understanding of both design and management principles, focusing on their application to a modern business and design orientated environment.

    Design projects are exploratory, experimental and large in scale, where the manipulation of spaces and technology enable the creation of stimulating, innovative and safe environments.

    Student learning takes place through formal teaching and demonstrations, hands on practical work, lectures, seminars, discussions, group work, visits to galleries and exhibitions in and around London, along with the opportunity to meet practising designers. At this level, students are expected to work independently on own projects while being provided with on going design support through regular tutorials.

    Students will work towards show casing their portfolio of work at an external Exhibition in June/July, well attended by professional designers and architects.

    How much should I study outside class?

    There is a substantial amount of course work/research to be carried out outside college hours.

    How is the course assessed?

    Assessment is continuous; students’ progress is monitored throughout the course of the year with key assessments, usually at the end of each completed unit. The final endorsement is confirmed by an external verifier.

    Students will work towards show casing their portfolio of work at an external Exhibition in June/July, well attended by professional designers and architects.

    What books and equipment do I need?

    Students are expected to buy their own materials. A list of materials and shops will be provided. The college shop provides a range of materials for purchase.

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