MA Translation Studies

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MA Translation Studies

  • Entry requirements Entry A good honours degree or equivalent
  • Academic title MA Translation Studies
  • Course description This new MA programme will provide students with theoretical and practical training which will enable the pursuit of the discipline in both an academic and a vocational context. The first semester provides the theoretical and methodological underpinning through modules in Translation Studies and Research Methods. The modules in the second semester provide students with the opportunity to explore areas of personal interest. The first module, Translation in Practice, covers aspects such as machine translation, interpreting, and translation software, whilst the second, the Translation Portfolio, enables students to choose their own corpus of material for translation and commentary. These four modules constitute the first part of the degree programme; the second comprises a 20,000-word Dissertation on a relevant area of the student's choice, under specialist supervision.


    All modules are compuslory.

    Semester 1:

        * Research Methods (30 credits)
        * Translation Studies: The Making of a Discipline (30 credits)

    Semester 2:

        * Translation in Practice (30 credits)
        * Working on a Translation Portfolio (30 credits) [languages covered: Welsh, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian]


        * Dissertation (60 credits; topic relevant to chosen language specialism OR a third language OR comparative). The dissertation may be a theoretical and research-based approach to any aspect of Translation Studies, or a proposed translation of a text chosen by the student plus commentary.
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