MLitt Professional Archaeology

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MLitt Professional Archaeology

  • Academic title MLitt Professional Archaeology
  • Course description MLitt: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time
    PgDip: 9 months full-time; 18 months part-time

    This programme provides instruction in the principles, methods and conduct of archaeology within a professional context. It is designed to provide knowledge and experience of a broad range of activities ranging from the planning and management of archaeological field projects, through analysis of excavated materials to final report production and publication, examining a range of roles and different field and curatorial perspectives. It is strongly vocational in emphasis and is taught through a combination of courses and practical placement with professional archaeological organisations. The programme capitalises on the close association between the Department of Archaeology and GUARD Ð the department's commercial research unit Ð and a number of GUARD staff will be involved in the presentation of the course.

    The taught component consists of three core courses and three optional courses, running over the first two academic terms.

    Core courses provide a framework for study of the practice of archaeology within the professional environment in the UK.

        * Context of professional archaeology examines the structures and operation of archaeology in the UK
        * Practice of professional archaeology introduces the creation of project designs and management of archaeological projects, together with a broad foundation of practical skills.

    The optional courses allow you to focus on specific areas of interest, with a strong vocational emphasis. They draw upon the particular interests and expertise of the contributing staff and the options available may therefore vary slightly depending on staff availability. They are also subject to a minimum number of students.

    You need to select three options in all, and should select at least two courses from the following core options:

        * Archaeological project management
        * Geophysical survey: interpretation and applications
        * Interpretation and applications of aerial data
        * Databases for archaeological projects
        * CAD for archaeological projects
        * GIS for archaeological projects
        * Archaeological illustration and photography
        * Advanced archaeological survey methods.

    You may also choose one of the following courses

        * Acquiring professional skills, involving self-directed work, including a short placement and/or shadowing to develop very specific skills Ð eg, a project manager or a finds specialist.
        * Artefact studies: any one of the specialist courses offered in the Masters programme in Material Culture & Artefact Studies
        * Human remains
        * A course offered by the Humanities Advanced Technology & Information Institute, eg Multimedia analysis and design or 2D digitisation.
          After the spring vacation, MLitt students undertake a work placement consisting of ten to 12 weeks in an archaeological organisation and a short dissertation.
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