MSc Advanced Sustainable Design

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MSc Advanced Sustainable Design

  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree or its equivalent if outside the UK, in a relevant subject.
  • Academic title MSc Advanced Sustainable Design
  • Course description Programme

    The programme is delivered either through on-campus learning or mixed mode, where a proportion of the programme is undertaken through distance learning. The programme seeks to address the relationship of design in the built environment to contemporary sustainable agendas, and engages in very relevant cultural and professional debates that increasingly influence the production of architecture.

    Learning Outcomes

    Graduates of this programme will have:

        * knowledge of the social, economic and legislative forces that are driving contemporary, sustainable agendas, and understanding of such agendas in relation to architectural cultures;
        * an ability to critically assess sustainability as a cultural, economic andenvironmental phenomenon;
        * the ability to interrogate site, programme and context in relation to the production of sustainable construction, engineering and architectural strategies;
        * the acquisition of transdisciplinary skills in articulation of sustainable strategies in related industry sectors.

    How You Will Be Taught

    These include a mixture of studio-based design projects, course work, independent research and a dissertation element.
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