MSc Business Improvement

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MSc Business Improvement

  • Entry requirements Entry Conditions You should normally have at least a second class honours degree plus at least three years relevant work experience in the areas of general management/business improvement/quality management/change management.
  • Academic title MSc Business Improvement
  • Course description The pace of change in the global business community continues to create the need for substantial operational improvements. This course aims to develop practitioners who will be capable of making significant contributions to the area of business improvement and hence business performance inside and outside their organisations. Practical knowledge and expertise gained will be based upon sound theoretical concepts from which should emerge a learning community of graduates who will possess significantly enhanced skills in business improvement. Importantly, the course will pay strong attention to the people related issues of change management and leadership.

    The course has been designed for a range of managers in the private, public and commercial sectors, primarily at middle to senior management level. All applicants should be in continuous employment and, as far as possible, expect to remain in employment (though not necessarily with the same employer(s) over the duration of the course. The course consists of eight taught modules: business improvement strategies; leadership and change; business process improvement; key performance measures; people and results; customer supply chain; innovation and learning; research methods and project management; plus a dissertation (an in-house problem-solving project that will seek to address an issue/problem with the potential for measurable operational improvement).

    In particular the course will:

        * provide an understanding of the skills and methods needed for effective business improvement

        * address people related issues, including change management and leadership

        * address the business process improvement view of organizations

        * develop applications of business improvement learning and skills, through in-company assessment and learning sets.

    Who should attend?
    Applications are invited from those who would normally have:
    -a degree or equivalent qualification
    -at least three years experience in a management position
    -a position of responsibility for operational change/improvement within their organisation.

    What are the special features of this course?
    Jointly designed by leading business practitioners and academics
    In-company assessments
    Incorporates the European Model for Business Excellence
    Based on a business process view of the organisation and so
    applicable to all businesses, whether private, public or voluntary sector
    Covers strategic, process, people, and technical aspects of business improvement activity
    Award of Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Business Improvement

    Who teaches it?

    The teaching faculty on the course will include:
    -leading academics as well as renowned private and public sector practitioners in the field of Business Improvement/Change Management
    -teaching faculty from the University of Ulster who have extensive experience in both the theoretical and in-company application of business improvement methodologie
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