MSc Clinical Leadership

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MSc Clinical Leadership

  • Entry requirements Entry requirements

    This programme is aimed at senior clinicians and those aspiring to these positions as well as academics, researchers and educators in healthcare who wish to develop their skills and to develop themselves as leaders. For entry onto the MSc in Clinical Leadership, you must have a relevant degree or professional qualification, plus significant practical experience. If you are unsure whether you might meet these requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact the Programme Director to discuss your application, as you will be considered individually according to your education and experience.
  • Academic title MSc Clinical Leadership
  • Course description MSc: 24 months part-time

    The MSc in Clinical Leadership is an innovative, two-year, part-time Masters degree designed to provide you with a unique opportunity for developing and enhancing your clinical leadership skills and reputation for the effective leadership of healthcare professionals. Leaders and managers at senior levels in clinical settings are expected to contribute fully to the strategic aims of their employers, to the healthcare sector and to public value creation but often don’t have the knowledge, tools or practical leadership and management experience that would make their contributions more effective.


    •    Strategic change
    •    Understanding and managing self
    •    Leading people and organisations in changing contexts
    •    Organisations and society
    •    Navigating healthcare systems
    •    Managing patient safety and risk management
    •    Action research and learning
    •    Dissertation
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