MSc Ecological Economics

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MSc Ecological Economics

  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements

    Preferably a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its equivalent if outside the UK, or an equivalent qualification in any subject. Applicants holding a UK 2:2 honours degree, or its equivalent from outside the UK, may also be considered. Since there is an explicit ethicosocial element to the programme, students from a humanities or arts background are equally likely to gain entry as those from an economics, life sciences or engineering background. Students whose first language is not English must provide evidence of proficiency in English, see page 16.
  • Academic title MSc Ecological Economics
  • Course description Programme

    Ecological economics links both the theory and practice of economics with that of natural ecosystems. The programme aims to give students the opportunity to learn about the role that economics can play in the design and implementation of sustainable policies for ecosystem management.

    Learning Outcomes

    Students will gain:

        * an understanding of the multi- dimensional nature of environmental problems;
        * an appreciation of the interaction between ecology and economics;
        * the means to develop expertise in design and implementation of sustainable environmental policies;
        * enhanced skills in specialist topics.

    How You Will Be Taught

    The programme offers a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, assignments, field trips, a study tour and a dissertation project.
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