Personal, Professional and Work-related Learning MA-PgD-PgC

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Personal, Professional and Work-related Learning MA-PgD-PgC

  • Entry requirements This programme is designed for those who are interested in learning and development in a work context. It will be of value if you are involved in supporting others’ learning and wishing to extend your own learning in a wide range of contexts, including public and commercial sector organisations. The programme will be of interest to: school, further education and higher education staff; LEA and other consultants; staff working in a range of inter-agency settings; youth and social workers; staff from public sector and commercial/business organisations. The programme will meet the needs of those for whom a Master’s programme can directly enhance their professional development and employability, as well as those who have a more general interest in learning and development in work contexts and are seeking a higher qualification.
  • Academic title Personal, Professional and Work-related Learning MA/PgD/PgC
  • Course description Careers

    This course is specifically designed for those who are interested in learning and development in a work context, enhancing the employability of those who take it. Teaching methods

    A combination of lectures, seminars, workshops, small group and individual tutorials, e-learning, in-session and work-related tasks will be provided to facilitate the acquisition of the Master’s degree. The balance between the teaching and learning strategies will vary across the modules.

    Course content

    Year 1 - full details

    Core modules

    -Personal Enquiry into Learning
    -Researching Professional and Work-Related Learning
    -Supporting Professional and Work-Related Learning
    -Understanding Professional and Work-Related Learning
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