Renewable Energy And Distributed Generation MSc

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Renewable Energy And Distributed Generation MSc

  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements Please note, this course is currently not available for academic year 2008/09. A first or second class honours degree in a suitable subject with a numerate background. Equivalent overseas qualifications will also be considered. Applicants for whom English is not their first language and who do not already hold a degree in which the teaching was in English must satisfy the university minimum requirements for competence in English. These are: TOEFL 213 points (550 points on the old scale); IELTS at grade 6.5, or; Cambridge Proficiency Certificate of English grade C.
  • Academic title Renewable Energy And Distributed Generation MSc
  • Course description Duration

    One year (MSc), 9 months (Diploma)


    Electrical energy networks and the methods by which electrical energy is generated are changing. Generating resources are being connected to the distribution network rather than the transmission network. These distributed resources include renewables and conventional thermal plant. The techniques used to generate electrical power are also changing. This includes increased renewable generation, primarily from wind resources, and embedded generation which includes co-generating (thermal and electrical) plant. The integration of distributed generation within existing networks causes particular problems in the control of power flow, power quality and protection. Also exploiting renewable resources requires novel and innovative engineering.

    Graduates of this course will develop critical understanding of the significant changes electrical energy networks and the methods of electrical generation are currently, and for the foreseeable future, engaged in and the implications of these changes. This course will develop graduates of a calibre capable of developing and implementing creative solutions to the problems encountered in renewable energy and distributed generation and the supply of electrical energy in general.

    Core Modules

        * Foundations of Energy
        * Electrical Power Systems
        * Renewable Energy Technologies
        * Research Methods Critical Analysis and Project Planning
        * Distributed Generation
        * Project Phase 1
        * Renewable Generation and Conversion
        * Demand Management and Energy Storage
        * MSc Project
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