Communication Entry Level SLD Course

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Communication Entry Level SLD Course

  • Entry requirements No formal qualifications are needed for entry on to this programme. Options are two hour taster courses in different subjects offered at the College. You will develop your communication and group work skills, as well as skills in the areas of:
  • Academic title Communication Entry Level SLD
  • Course description
    Content details
    This course is aimed at those who need to develop their communication skills at pre-entry levels. It is particularly aimed at those students with little or no literacy.

    How is the course taught
    These courses are for people who are coming to college for the first time or who would like to develop skills in particular areas. You can follow up to two courses at a time if you have a moderate to severe learning difficulty. The Sensory classes are specifically tailored for learners who present more challenges within a learning environment, enabling them to experience and progress within the College in a highly supported structure.

    Course leads to
    You may have the opportunity to progress onto more substantial part-time or full-time courses within the College.

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