Course - Entry to Employment (E2E) in IT

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Course - Entry to Employment (E2E) in IT

  • Entry requirements You need to be aged 16-18 with a minimum grade E or entry level 3 English & Maths. You will be given a literacy and numeracy assessment and an interview.
  • Course description What is Entry to Employment?
    Entry to Employment is a programme targeted at 16-18 year olds who are not currently involved in employment, education or training. It aims to help those young people gain skills in order to enter Apprenticeships (jobs with training), Employment or Further Education. You will be eligible to apply for EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance) in addition to a contribution towards travel.
    Duration of course:
    Minimum of 22 weeks
    What does it include?

    -BTEC Introductory Certificate in IT at Work
    -Work Placement
    -Literacy and Numeracy

    Where does it lead?
    Level 2 qualifications in IT or employment.
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