MSc International Finance & Economics

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MSc International Finance & Economics

  • Entry requirements A Bachelors Honours degree with 2:2 or equivalent in any subject.

    If English is not your first language you\'ll need IELTS (Academic) 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each component, or equivalent.
  • Academic title MSc
  • Course description Why study MSc International Finance & Economics at BU?

    Get career ready by developing highly employable personal skills such as, objective analysis persuasion, negotiation and communication expertise 
    Learn from an expanding team of dynamic educators and researchers from around the world  
    Undertake a significant piece of self-managed research in an area that interests you in relation to your course 
    Enter a career in roles such as Market Analyst, Financial Consultant or Portfolio Manager 
    Study alongside a diverse portfolio of international students 
    Enhance your employability with an optional 30-week placement overseas or in the UK, with Bournemouth being home to many large financial companies such as J.P.Morgan and Barclay. 

    Course accreditation
    This course is delivered by the AACSB-accredited Business School, an accreditation attained by fewer than 5% of business schools worldwide. It recognises our focus on excellence in all areas.  

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