Environmental Management (Protected Area - Countryside Management) (MSc)

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Environmental Management (Protected Area - Countryside Management) (MSc)

  • Objectives This degree will enable you to acquire and develop a broad understanding of the knowledge and skills needed for managing protected areas of the environment, including natural, cultural and recreational sites.

    The programme will provide you with the key skills and management tools necessary for resolving conflicting pressures and demands in protected areas. It offers a very good opportunity for career progression and is highly suitable for anyone working, or planning to work, in the management of local, national or international protected areas.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements

    Good degree or equivalent in any area, or equivalent qualification with professional experience.
  • Academic title Environmental Management (Protected Area / Countryside Management) (MSc)
  • Course description Core courses:

    -The Countryside Resource – the ecological and historical background to the countryside, including key habitats and landscapes, and strategies for their management

    -People and Policy – the social and political framework of countryside management, focusing predominantly on the users of the countryside, and the social and legislative framework within which it is managed.

    Four specialist modules from:

    -Protected Area Management Planning
    -European Environmental Policy and Organisation 
    -Ecological Survey and Monitoring
    -Environmental Communication
    -Environmental Interpretation and Education
    -Archaeological and Cultural Resource Management
    -Earth Heritage Conservation
    -Coastal Zone Management
    -Environmental Ethics, Values and Decisions
    -Sustainable Tourism
    -Area Studies.

    Dissertation: this gives each student the opportunity to pursue an independent project under expert supervision.

    Lectures, seminars, group and practical work; independent study supported by personal tutorials.

    Coursework relating to the core course and specialist modules; two-paper written examination; dissertation of 10,000–12,000 words. Each element contributes roughly one-third to the assessment.

    When to apply
    -Applications by end of May (late applications considered in August, subject to availability of places).
    -Interviews June and July.
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