Master Managerial Psychology

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Master Managerial Psychology

  • Objectives The course enables managers to improve their understanding of the nature and dynamics of organisational life through insights from the field of managerial psychology. Understanding individuals and groups is vital in making sense of work behaviour. The course also provides insights from psychology into managing people in a variety of settings, including small enterprises, public and not-for-profit organisations and large corporations. The management role is examined with a focus on topics such as leadership, change, assessment, learning, development, cross-cultural issues, human resource management, and well-being at work. Management responses to the many aspects of organisational life and the effect and psychological impact of these are examined with a view to improving organisational success. The course aims to offer conceptual frameworks and principles to help participants to understand and manage efficiently and effectively in their own work settings. The course team includes Dr Dean Bartlett and Professor Yochanan Altman, Editor of the Journal of Managerial Psychology, and draws on the staff and research based in the Management Research Centre and the Centre for Equality Research in Business.
  • Entry requirements Normally a good Honours degree, an equivalent qualification and/or ability to demonstrate suitability for study at postgraduate level.
  • Academic title MA Managerial Psychology
  • Course description
    Course structure
    The course is based on current theory and practice of managerial psychology.

    Modules include:

    -Critical Perspectives in Managerial Psychology
    -Managerial Psychology
    -Managing Change and Innovation
    -Psychological Assessment
    -Management Research and Consultancy
    -Free option
    -Dissertation of 15,000 words

    The Management Research and Consultancy module will prepare you for the dissertation. This is an independent research project that enables you to pursue your particular interest with the support of a supervisor. You will be able to choose a free option from other courses in the management field, including the MA in Employment Studies and Human Resource Management and the MA in International Human Resource Management. The range of free options will include Human Resource Strategies; Work and Well-being; and Gender and Work. Study methods include lectures, seminars, case studies, teamwork and presentations. There will be web-based study materials.

    You are assessed using a range of methods: essays, seminar leading, group project presentations, writing portfolios, research papers, as well as assessment and evaluation by your peers, together with the dissertation.

    Career opportunities
    A managerial psychology qualification will directly benefit managers in many different industries. You may also apply to develop your dissertation topic into an MPhil/PhD course.

    Attendance & duration
    -Full-time: one year
    -Part-time (eve): two years, two evenings a week (Mon and Wed)
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