Master Sport and Performance Psychology

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Master Sport and Performance Psychology

  • Objectives Designed for graduates from a psychology background, this course should appeal to those wanting a professional career as a sports or performance psychologist. We are seeking accreditation by the British Psychological Society (BPS)) and the course has been designed to meet Stage I chartership requirements with the BPS division of Sport and Exercise Psychology. The course provides an in-depth look at factors leading to exercise participation, maintenance and drop-out, human performance and the psychology behind sport. The course is application-based, with a strong focus on how sport and performance psychology principles can be applied effectively in a variety of areas. Students benefit from a range of specialist resources including our new £30m Science Centre. Our central London location is a great with its wealth of career opportunities and high-level sports facilities, including the new Emirates stadium, Wembley and the forthcoming Olympics facilities.
  • Entry requirements Applicants should normally have a 2.2 degree or above in psychology and qualify for graduate basis for registration (GBR) with the BPS. If English is not your first language, you will require an IELTS 6.5 minimum, TOEFL (old examination) 630, TOEFL (new examination) 267 or equivalent.
  • Academic title MA Sport and Performance Psychology
  • Course description Course structure
    The course includes a range of applied and theoretical modules that comprehensively cover the practice and delivery of sport and performance psychology. The course also includes an element of 'performance psychology' that extends beyond sport and exercise to include business and the performing arts. You will also undertake a 15,000-word dissertation/research project.

    Core modules:

    -Applied Sport and Performance Psychology
    -Professional Practice Skills in Sport and Performance Psychology
    -Social and Interpersonal Processes in Sport and Performance Psychology
    -Physical Activity and Psychological Wellbeing
    -Research Methods
    -Research dissertation

    You are assessed with a range of methods, including essays, practical reports, your dissertation/research project and examinations.

    Career opportunities
    The course is also an excellent foundation for those who wish to engage in counselling or support work with athletes, or in the wider areas of business, the armed services, or the performing arts. It is also suitable preparation for further study.

    Attendance & duration
    -Full-time (day and eve): one year
    -Part-time (day and eve): two years
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