Water and Sanitation for Development MSc/PgDip/PgCert

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Water and Sanitation for Development MSc/PgDip/PgCert

  • Course description Many people living in urban and rural areas of low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) do not have access to safe water and sanitation service delivery. To achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), there is an urgent need to quadruple our current rate of global progress, which makes it necessary to build the relevant capacity to address this.

    Our MSc in Water and Sanitation for Development will equip you with the skills and knowledge to deliver water supply and sanitation services around the world to protect public health and improve lives. It will enable you to develop a critical appreciation of the complexities that shape the sector and motivate you to make a real difference responding to it and to help achieve the sustainable development goals.

    The MSc is delivered by our world leading experts and developed in partnership with a wide range of organisations and institutions from the water and sanitation sector. You will have the opportunity to conduct your thesis on a real-life project and benefit from professional development that will shape you into a leader equipped to solve global water and sanitation challenges.
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