Course - Foundation Degree: Learner Support Level 4

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Course - Foundation Degree: Learner Support Level 4

  • Entry requirements Entry requirements

    1 A level or equivalent (eg NVQ 3, AVCE, BTEC National Diploma etc) and normally a GCSE Grade C or equivalent pass in English. All students must show evidence that they have worked (paid or voluntarily) in a classroom setting. Students must be over the age of 18 years and will need to undertake an interview and CRB clearance. References will be followed up. Succcessful students on Teaching Assitant Level 2 and 3 courses may be invited to apply for this Foundation Degree, however, they will need to undertake a written assessment before they are accepted on the programme.
  • Academic title Foundation Degree: Learner Support
  • Course description General information

    This is a 2-year part-time equivalent programme leading to Foundation Degree. It is aimed at those working, or who wish to work, in the 'paraprofessional' areas in support of learning and teaching. This may be either in classrooms as learning support assistants, classroom assistants, teaching assistants or volunteers, or those who may be working in less formal settings, for example as a learning mentor or in education/social welfare roles linked to schools and/or colleges and other learning environments.

    Course content

    Level 1:

        * The Education Business (background to the processes of education, learning and teaching in both formal and informal settings, including contexts, systems, practices and contemporary issues)
        * Supporting Teaching and Learning (how to plan, carry out and evaluate activities, exploring differentiation in the classroom, observing teachers in practice and observing children, keeping a reflective journal charting development of own professional practice in TA role)
        * Approaches to Learning (introduction to learning - both formal and informal, institutional and individual, and examines and reflects also upon the individual's own learning and preferred learning styles)
        * Supporting Literacy and Supporting Numeracy (concentrates on key areas in which learning support takes place in schools, but also touches on these in post school settings)

    Level 2:

        * Understanding Behaviour: (introduces notions of psychological, social, emotional and cultural aspects of behaviour and the need to understand this in the context of learning and teaching)
        * Evaluation, Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education Settings: (examines measurement of performance and attainment, recording and reporting, and external and internal QA, including role of OFSTED and other agencies).
        * Specialist option: (students have guided choice of following either an option or a particular curriculum subject specialise) Examples (subject to availability) may include Supporting Learners with AEN, or The (Subject Specific) Curriculum.
        * Student-initiated Investigation in Education: (a negotiated and supervised individual work-based project or part of a team project where the student can demonstrate clearly their own major contribution to problem-solving or effectiveness in the work environment).

    Teaching and assessment

    For each part of the course students may be required to produce the following evidence: - individual or group presentations - reports - essays based on given titles - portfolio of activities undertaken in a classroom setting together with evaluations - case studies - observations - reflective journal - research project.  Students will need to be able to write at Level 3 (A level) standard.  Most essays and reports have a word count of around 2,000 words.

    This is a mainly theoretical programme with some practical elements. Students will be introduced to the current theoretical framework in education and explore the bases for theories, strategies and school initiatives. The tutors place a great deal of emphasis on discussion and groupwork, with students sharing their experiences. Students will be introduced to the skills of critical analysis and academic writing. Please note that this programme requires students to undertake wide reading/independent study of at least 4 hours per week.


    Successful students who graduate with an FD may progress to the final stage of a BA Hons degree at the University of Greenwich in a relevant area such as Education Studies. Childhood Studies, Youth and Community Studies after attending a bridging programme. In some circumstances this may be combined with employment-based teacher training leading to qualified teacher status, or subject to meeting normal entry requirements other professional training. Those who wish to train, as teachers must have GCSE passes in English Mathematics and Science at grades A*-C.

    BA (Hons) Degree:  On completion of full BA (Hons) students may wish apply to university to study on a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Primary, Secondary or Post-Compulsory teaching. Students who obtain the BA(Hons) may also wish to work within children's services or youthwork.
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