User Interaction Design with Management Studies PgDip-MSc

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Comments about User Interaction Design with Management Studies PgDip-MSc - At the institution - Kingston Upon Thames - Greater London

  • Academic title
    User Interaction Design with Management Studies PgDip/MSc
  • Course description
    This course responds to the growing use of desktop computers, mobile devices and the internet for business and everyday life. All kinds of activities, from shopping and communication to project planning and healthcare, increasingly take place online.

    In this context, it is no longer enough for information systems to simply ‘execute’ without crashing. Successful systems must be easy to use and fit in with users’ preferences and lifestyles. They must also be accessible to a diverse range of user groups. To meet these requirements, user-centred analysis, design and evaluation are increasingly necessary to systems development.

    User-centred design of human–system interactions applies a multi-disciplinary set of knowledge and skills – including elements of software engineering, the arts and the behavioural sciences. The goal is to develop systems that benefit the user – as an individual, a small group or a community.

    In response to the needs of the industry, this course is offered with a management studies option. This innovative new combined course will enable you to develop key business and management skills and is ideal for students with a background in IT/computing who wish to specialise in the area of user interaction design while also developing the broad skill set and knowledge needed to fast-track their career in leading and managing successful teams and projects.

    What will you study?
    The core modules introduce you to relevant behavioural theory from psychology and sociology, plus the associated techniques for analysing user tasks, knowledge, communications and situations of use. You look at experimental design, data gathering techniques and standard methods for usability testing and statistical analysis. You also cover a systematic approach to designing interaction – one that is explicit, knowledge based and creative – and various kinds of user interface technology.

    Optional modules cover technologies and application domains. The options you choose can reflect your current requirements, career aspirations or areas of particular interest/expertise. We will provide advice and guidance on your choice of modules, as well as any prerequisites or preparatory work you might need to undertake.

    You will also undertake a Research Methods module, in which you learn about various investigative techniques, and (for the MSc) a research project.

    Following the ‘with management studies’ route, you will learn the fundamentals of marketing, finance and/or managing people and organisations, which will set your technical knowledge in a management context.

    Course structure
    Please note that this is an indicative list of modules and is not intended as a definitive list.

    The full MSc consists of five core modules, three option modules (including two management studies options) and a dissertation project.

    Core modules 
    -User Factors
    -Interaction Design I
    -Interaction Design II
    -Usability Engineering
    -Research Methods
    -Project/Dissertation (MSc Only)

    Option modules
    -Broadband and Mobile Networks
    -Building E-Business
    -Component-Based Software Engineering
    -Corporate Data and Database Management
    -Developing Object-Orientated Solutions
    -Digital Communications
    -Electronic Commerce Technologies
    -Enterprise Networking
    -Graphical Information Fundamentals
    -Internet Map Services
    -Internet Wireless Networks
    -Knowledge Management
    -Location-Based Services, Applications and Technologies
    -Multimedia Communications
    -Network Design and Management
    -Network Operating Systems
    -Network Security
    -Programming in Java
    -Projects and Risk Management
    -Requirements Engineering and Management
    -Secure and Dependable Computing
    -Software Engineering Tools
    -Software Quality Assurance
    -Spatial Information Analysis and Modelling
    -Strategic Information Systems for E-Business
    -TCP/IP Network
    -Visualisation and Image Processing
    -Wireless Communications
    -Web Development in Java
    -IT and Entrepreneurship

    Management options
    -Finance Resource Management
    -Managing People and Organisations

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