Health Communication Design Master in Arts

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Health Communication Design Master in Arts

  • Entry requirements A good first degree or equivalent experience
  • Academic title Health Communication Design Master in Arts
  • Course description This new Health Communication Design course will give you experience in the writing and design of information to meet the needs of users within the fields of health promotion and well-being. It encompasses the design of the content, structure, delivery, user testing and evaluation of patient and lifestyle information of all kinds. Health education and patient information can be print-based or in electronic form (e.g. web sites). It can be communication between healthcare professionals and documentation for healthcare users on medical information, processes, procedures and using health-related products. The course will give you practical experience in creating and evaluating different forms of communication, and there will be opportunities to tailor some projects to suit the communication needs of your current or intended employment. The core content will include:

        * Principles of communication design: writing and designing information for specific audiences and purposes
        * Print-based health and well-being information
        * Online information: websites, interactivity, accessibility
        * Usability: using healthcare information - planning, testing, improving
        * Research in healthcare communication design: practice-based/academic/usability
        * MA project: live project based on the identification and addressing of a communication need

    Our Health Communication Design MA degree is one of the new courses offered in association with the Health Design & Technology Institute (HDTI) at Coventry University."

    Reasons to choose Health Communication Design MA degree

    Reasons to choose the course

        * Unique course
        * Practical communication projects
        * Study full time, or part time alongside your existing employment

    Future prospects

    This course will prepare you with the knowledge and skills you need for a career in health or lifestyle communication, for example as an information officer, hospital administrator, health practitioner, voluntary sector worker for a health or lifestyle-related charity, or technical communicator specializing in health or lifestyle information.
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